/* Gameboy MBC5/MBC1 Hybrid Version: 1.0 Author: Alex from insideGadgets (www.insidegadgets.com) Created: 18/04/2018 Last Modified: 6/08/2018 License: CC-BY Note: Having some MBC1 support may break a few MBC5 games. Our MBC5 implementation differs from the standard, switching to bank 0 gives bank 1 like in MBC1/3. Our MBC1 support is limited to 512KB ROM / 8 KBytes RAM, it’s locked in “ROM Banking Mode” but without the 2MB ROM support. */ module mbc5_2mb_v1 ( //clockin, // For ModelSim reset, inputAddress, inputData, inputCE, inputWR, inputRD, highAddress, ramCE); // Inputs input reset; input [3:0] inputAddress; // a15 - a12 input [6:0] inputData; // d6 - d0 input inputCE; input inputRD; input inputWR; // Outputs / Registers output [7:0] highAddress; // a20 - a13 reg [7:0] highAddress; reg [6:0] romBank; // a20 - a14 reg [3:0] ramBank; // a16 - a13 reg ramEnabled; output ramCE; reg ramCE; reg mbc1Detect303FOn; reg mbc1Detected607F; reg mbc3or5Locked; // For ModelSim /*input clockin; reg clockin; reg reset; reg [3:0] inputAddress; // a12 - a15 reg [6:0] inputData; // d0 - d7 reg inputCE; reg inputRD; reg inputWR; reg audioIn; */ // ROM a0-a13 straight through, a14-a21 from CPLD highAddress [1:8] // RAM a0-a12 straight through, a13-a16 from CPLD highAddress [0:3] // input RD, WR, CS straight through to ROM // input RD, WR, straight through to RAM, CE handled by CPLD // romCE to A15 always @ (reset or inputCE or inputRD or inputWR) begin if (!reset) begin highAddress <= 8'b0; romBank <= 7'b1; ramBank <= 4'b0; ramEnabled <= 1'b0; ramCE <= 1'b1; mbc1Detect303FOn <= 1'b0; mbc1Detected607F <= 1'b0; mbc3or5Locked <= 1'b0; end else begin // *** ROM Functions *** // Only pass through on 0x0000-7FFF if reading or writing flash if (inputAddress <= 4'd7 && (!inputRD || !inputWR)) begin if (inputAddress <= 4'd3) begin // 0x0000-3FFF, Bank 0 always highAddress <= 8'b0; // All set to 0 end else begin highAddress <= (romBank << 1); // Start at a14 for ROM end end // 0x2000-3FFF - Low 7 bits of ROM Bank Number (Write Only) with little MBC1 detection hack if (((inputAddress == 4'd2) || inputAddress == 4'd3 && mbc1Detect303FOn) && !inputWR && inputRD && inputCE) begin if (inputData == 7'd0) begin romBank <= 1'b1; mbc1Detect303FOn <= 1'b1; end else begin if (inputData >= 7'd32) begin mbc3or5Locked <= 1'b1; end romBank <= inputData; end end // *** RAM Functions *** ramCE <= 1'b1; // Only pass through on 0xA000-BFFF if RAM is enabled if ((inputAddress == 4'hA || inputAddress == 4'hB) && ramEnabled && (!inputRD || !inputWR)) begin ramCE <= inputCE; highAddress <= ramBank; end // 0x0000-1FFF - RAM Enable (Write Only). 0x0A = Enable, 0x00 Disable if ((inputAddress == 4'd1 || inputAddress == 4'd0) && !inputWR && inputRD && inputCE) begin if (inputData == 7'hA) begin // Enable RAM ramEnabled <= 1'd1; end else begin // Disable RAM ramEnabled <= 1'd0; end end // 0x4000-5FFF - RAM Bank Number (Write Only) if ((inputAddress == 4'd4 || inputAddress == 4'd5) && !inputWR && inputRD && inputCE) begin if ((mbc1Detect303FOn && mbc1Detected607F) && !mbc3or5Locked) begin // Ignore RAM banking requests end else begin ramBank <= inputData[3:0]; end end // 0x6000-7FFF - ROM/RAM Mode MBC1 Detection if ((inputAddress == 4'd6 || inputAddress == 4'd7) && !inputWR && inputRD && inputCE) begin mbc1Detected607F <= 1'b1; end end end // For ModelSim /*initial begin reset = 1'b0; clockin = 1'b0; inputAddress = 1'b0; inputData = 1'b0; inputCE = 1'b1; inputRD = 1'b1; inputWR = 1'b1; audioIn = 1'b1; forever #5 clockin = ~clockin; end*/ endmodule